Makerspace @ UNIMAS :
Realising The Maker Movement Through And Informal Learning Space To Nurture Innovation

International Girls in ICT Day is an annual celebration and global campaign to empower and encourage girls and young women to take up studies and careers in ICTs. It is celebrated every fourth Thursday in April.
In conjunction of International Girls in ICT Day 2021, MDEC collaborates with Ministry of Communication and Multimedia (KKMM) to organize Hour of Code (HoC): #MYGirlsCan campaign.
- Campaign is taking place from April 21 to May 1, 2021
- Participation is open for female students of age 7-17 (in primary and secondary school)
- Campaign aims to attracts participation of students from public and private schools
- Internet connection
- Web browser
- Laptop, Personal Computer or Mobile device
Go to DMH@UNIMAS to know more

Digital Maker Hub @ UNIMAS
Digital Maker Hub (DMH) is an initiative by Malaysia Development Corporation (MDEC) as a multipurpose centre for running its #mydigitalmaker programs that are geared towards enabling digital making activities. Programs include skill-building activities such as coding, app development, 3D printing, robotics, embedded programming and data analytics.
FCSIT has been selected to be a DMH for Sarawak region in 2017 and several activities have been conducted by DMH@UNIMAS. Since 2018, Makerspace@UNIMAS takes care of DMH activities and among them are:
♦ Computational Thinking and Computer Science certification program
This program is an initiative of the Malaysian government through the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) to train teachers to be proficient in computer science knowledge and skills, including programming skills and also understand and use strategies. appropriate pedagogy for the teaching of computational thinking and computer science (CTCS).
♦ School Holiday program: Scratch Programming for Kids
A program for children aged 10-12 to explore Scratch, a drag and drop programming, and use their creativity for developing digital games and stories. This program was developed by lectures of FCSIT and facilitate by undergraduate students.
♦ Jom Coding
Teachers who are teaching Asas Sains Komputer (Form 1-3) and Sains Komputer (Form 4-5) are trained to use HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript for building simple web-based system. Modules of this program were developed by MDEC and are sold in Shopee online store.
International Girls in ICT Day is an annual celebration and global campaign to empower and encourage girls and young women to take up studies and careers in ICTs. It is celebrated every fourth Thursday in April.
In conjunction of International Girls in ICT Day 2021, MDEC collaborates with Ministry of Communication and Multimedia (KKMM) to organize Hour of Code (HoC): #MYGirlsCan campaign.
- Campaign is taking place from April 21 to May 1, 2021 (closed)
- Participation is open for female students of age 7-17 (in primary and secondary school)
- Campaign aims to attracts participation of students from public and private schools
- Internet connection
- Web browser
- Laptop, Personal Computer or Mobile device
Campaign has ended. Thank you for participating. Please go to Frequently Asked Questions for answers to common questions.
Continue to learn coding with Hour of Code!

1. Adakah hanya murid perempuan sahaja yang dibenarkan masuk HOC: #MYGirlsCan ini?
Is theHOC: #MYGirlsCan eligible for female students?
Ya, kempen kali ini hanya terbuka kepada murid perempuan warganegara Malaysia yang bersekolah di dalam Malaysia, termasuk sekolah swasta, sekolah antarabangsa, "home school" dan sebagainya.
Yes, this campaign is open only for female Malaysian citizenstudents in all schools in Malaysia including privateschools, international schools,home schooletc.
2. Berapa lama masa yang diperlukan untuk melengkapkan satu modul?
How long will it take to complete a module?
Di antara 20 – 40 minit bergantung kepada tahap modul.
Between 20 – 40 minutes depending on modules.
3. Bagaimanakah cara untuk saya mendapatkan sijil untuk penyertaan saya?
When will I be given the certificate of completion for the module?
Sijil – sijil penyertaan untuk HOC dikeluarkan sebaik sahaja modul dilengkapkan. Pastikan anda mendaftar nama penuh anda ke dalam sijil, muat turun dan simpan sebagai bukti penyertaan.
The HOC certificate of completion is available for download right after completion of the module. Kindly ensure students fill in their full names, download and save the certificate as proof of participation.
4. Bagaimana jika saya terlupa untuk simpan atau muat turun sijil penyertaan?
What happens if I forgot to save or download my certificate of completion?
Sekiranya sijil penyertaan tidak dapat disimpan atau dimuat turun, murid terpaksa melakukan modul pilihan semula kerana sijil penyertaan tidak akan disimpan di dalam sistem.
If the certificate of completion is not downloaded or saved and the page was exited, student would have to re-do the module as the certificate will not be saved in the system.
5. Adakah murid dibenarkan untuk melengkapkan lebih dari satu modul?
Are students allowed to send in more than one module for the participation?
Tiada had bagi bilangan modul untuk dilengkapkan. Setiap murid digalakkan untuk melengkapkan lebih dari satu modul. Walau bagaimanapun, hanya satu penyertaan (berserta sijil penyertaan dan satu video kreatif) dari setiap individu akan diambil kira untuk cabutan bertuah.
There is no limit for the number of modules tobe completed. Students are encouraged to complete more than one module. However, only one participation (with certificate of completion and one creative video) from each participant will be qualified for lucky draw.
6. Adakah masa dan tarikh tertentu modul ini perlu dilengkapkan?
Is there any specific time or date that this module should be completed?
Tiada had masa untuk modul ini dilengkapkan.Ianya boleh dilakukan bila-bila masa dari 21 April hingga 1 Mei 2021
There is no time limit no specific date and time to complete a module. It can be done anytime from April 21 to May 1 2021
7. Saya merupakan murid dari sekolah kerajaan di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM). Adakah sijil-sijil individu HoC dapat menyumbang kepada Pentaksiran Aktiviti Jasmani Sukan dan KoKurikulum (PAJSK)?
I am a student from a public school under the Ministry of Education (MOE). Will the HoC individual certificate contribute to Pentaksiran Aktiviti Jasmani Sukan dan Ko Kurikulum (PAJSK)?
Sijil – sijil individu HoC dapat dikira sebagai sumbangan ke PAJSK di peringkat sekolah seperti yang ditetapkan oleh Bahagian Sukan, Kokurikulum & Kesenian KPM.**untuk sekolah-sekolah di bawah seliaan KPM sahaja
Yes, the certificate obtained during HoC contributes to PAJSK at school level as determined by Bahagian Sukan, Kokurikulum & Kesenian KPM. **applicable to only schools under MOE
8. Saya merupakan pelajar Malaysia yang bersekolah di sekolah antarabangsa. Adakah saya layak untuk memenangi hadiah yang disenaraikan?
I am a Malaysian citizen in an international school students and I am interested to join this campaign. Am I eligible for the prizes?
1. Markah PAJSK untuk sekolah-sekolah di bawah seliaan KPM sahaja.
2. Pengiktirafan badge digital Hero dibuka untuk semua
3. Cabutan bertuah adalah dikhaskan untuk warganegara Malaysia. Untuk pelajar ini, beliau layak untuk perkara 2 dan 3.
1. PAJSK point is applicable for school under MOE only.
2. Digital Hero badge is open to all.
3. Lucky draw caters for Malaysian citizens. In this student’s case, he/she is eligible for item 2 and 3.
9. Bagaimanakah cara untuk saya mendapatkan badge digital Hero yang dijanjikan untuk semua peserta?
How to I claim the digital Hero badge that is eligible for all participants?
Satu pautan akan dihantarkan kepada emel yang digunakan untuk penyertaan HoC: MYGirlsCan pada pengakhiran kempen ini. Ikut pautan dan arahan yang disertakan bersama pautan tersebut.
A link will be provided to the email address use for this HoC: MYGirlsCan submission at the end of the campaign. Follow the link and the instruction that will be included together.
10. Saya tidak mempunyai akaun media sosial untuk penghantaran video kreatif. Adakah saya masih boleh menyertai kempen ini?
I do not have any social media account for creative video submission.Can I still participate in this campaign?
Anda masih boleh menyertai kempen kami. Anda boleh mendapatkan kebenaran untuk menggunakan media sosial ibu/bapa/penjaga atau mana-mana pautan aktif (seperti Google Drive) untuk penghantaran video kreatif. Hanya pastikan pautan aktif ini ditetapkan kepada public dan disertakan bersama dengan penyertaan. Hubungi DMH anda untuk pertanyaan lanjut.
You will still be able to participate. You may require permission from your parents/guardians to use their social media account or any active link (e.g. Google Drive). Kindly ensure that these are made public during submission. Contact your DMH for further question.
11. Saya ibu/bapa/penjaga kepada beberapa orang anak dan mereka ingin menyertai kempen ini.
Bagaimanakah cara untuk mendaftarkan penyertaan anak-anak saya? I am a parent/guardian with more than one child, and they are interested to participate in the campaign. How can I register them?
Setiap penyertaan dikira sebagai penyertaan individu. Untuk penyertaan lebih daripada satu individu/anak, ibu/bapa/penjaga dibenarkan menggunakan emel yang sama. Walaubagaimanapun, setiap pendaftaran perlu dibuat berasingan bagi setiap individu.
Entry is individual basis. For participation of more than one child/student, parent/guardian is advised to use the same email for participation. However, registration for participation is to be submitted individually for each child.
12. Bagaimana dapat saya pastikan penyertaan kami diterima oleh MDEC?
How do I ensure that my submission is received by MDEC?
Untuk sebarang pertanyaan mengenai penyertaan, hubungi DMH yang anda kenalpasti dalam Langkah 1 (dalam langkah-langkah penyertaan) untuk keterangan lanjut. Penyertaan anda kami terima melalui DMH ini.
For any question on submission, please contact the DMH that you have identified in Step 1 (from submission guide) for further information. We will be receiving your submission through the DMH.
Good news!
As a token of appreciation, Kementerian Komunikasi & Multimedia Malaysia (KKMM), the co-organiser of Hour of Code #MYGirlsCan 2021 will issue an e-Certificate (Certificate of Participation) to all school teachers involved in this campaign!Send an email to Madam Izzatul Nabila binti Sarbini ( with the following details by 3 May 2021:
- Full name
- MyKad No
- School Name
- Email address
- List of students who submitted their Certificate of Completion and Video through DMH@UNIMAS

(Training & Module Development)
(Facility & Equipment)
(Facility & Equipment)
(Visibility & Promotion)
(Business Incubation)
(Visibility & Promotion)
(Business Incubation)